Mike's Basic Tarantula
A Basic Site for the Tarantula enthusiast
Species Care Sheet
Antilles Pink Patch (Acanthoscurria maga)
Giant Blk. and White (Acanthoscurria theraphosoides)
formally A. brocklehursti
Bolivian Pink (Acanthoscurria chacoana)
* Rusty Bird Eater (Acanthoscurria ferina)
Giant White Knee (Acanthoscurria geniculata)
Bolivian Black Velvet (Acanthoscurria insubtilis)
Brazilian Orange Banded (Acanthoscurria jurenicola)
Natal Brown Birdeater (Acanthoscurria natalensis)
Brazilian Giant Black (Acanthoscurria paulensis)
Argentina Giant Black Rump (Acanthoscurria sternalis)
Texas Brown (Aphonopelma anax)
*Texas Black Spot (Aphonopelma armada)
Grand Canyon Black (Aphonopelma behlei)
Mexican Blood Leg (Aphonopelma bicoloratum)
Costa Rican Bluefront (Aphonopelma burica)
Chocolate Brown (Aphonopelma echinum)
Texas Brown (Aphonopelma hentzi)
Mojave Dwarf (Aphonopelma mojave)
Costa Rican Zebra (Aphonopelma seemanni)
Unknown (Aphonopelma sp.)
Davis Mt. Rusty (Aphonopelma sp.) "Davis Mt. Rusty"
Flagstaff Orange (Aphonopelma sp.) "Flagstaff"
New River Rust Rump (Aphonopelma sp.) "New River"
Unknown (Aphonopelma sp.) "Malinche"
Payson Blonde (Aphonopelma sp.) "Paysoni"
Roswell Gold (Aphonopelma sp.) "Roswell"
Copperas Cove (Aphonopelma waconum)
Unknown (Augacephalus sp.) "Mozambique"
Antilles Pinktoe (Avicularia versicolor)
Mex. Golden Red Rump (Brachypelma albiceps)
Mex. Giant Red Knee (Brachypelma annitha)
Mexican Flame Knee (Brachypelma aratum)
Mexican Orange Beauty (Brachypelma baumgarteni)
Mexican Fire Leg (Brachypelma boehmei)
Mexican Red Leg  (Brachypelma emelia)
Mexican Pink (Brachypelma klassi)
Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma smithi)
Yucatan Rust Rump (Brachypelma sp.)
Great Horned Baboon (Ceratogyrus brachycephalus)
Rear Horned Baboon (Ceratogyrus darlingi)
Straight Horned Baboon (Ceratogyrus marshalli)
Zimbabwe Grey Baboon (Ceratogyrus meridionalis)
Indian Violet (Chilobrachys fimbriatus)
Green Bottle Blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
Belize Cinnamon Crassicus lamanai)
Tiger Rump (Cyclosternum fasciata)
Peruvian Dwarf Beauty (Cyriocosmus berate)
Trinidad Dwarf Tigerump (Cyriocosmus elegans)
Unknown Cyriocosmus leetzi
Unknown Cyriocosmus perezmilesi
Peruvian Dwarf Black & White (Cyriocosmus ritae)
Peruvian Dwarf Star (Cyriocosmus sellatus)
Unknown Cyriocosmus  Venezuelensis
Puerto Rican Pygmy (Cyrtopholis portoricae)
Blue Fang (Ephepobus cyanognathus)
Skeleton Tarantula (Ephepobus murinus)
Emerald Skeleton (Ephebopus Uatuman)
Pink Zebra Beauty (Eupalaestrus campestratus)
Brazilian Smoke Grey (Grammostola alticeps)
Pampas Golden (Grammostola chalcothrix)
Paraguay White Hair (Grammostola sp.) "Formosa"
Argentine Fossor (Grammostola fossor)
Unknown (Grammostola mendozae)
Brazilian Black (Gramostola pulchra)
Chaco Stripe Knee (Grammostola pulchripes)
Flame Rose Hair (Grammostola rosea)
Rose Hair (Grammostola porteri)
Cobalt Blue (Haplopelma lividum)
Thailand Black (Haplopelma minax)
Pumpkin Patch (Hapolopus sp.) "Colombia"
Togo Starburst Baboon (Heteroscodra maculata)
Cameroon Red Baboon (Hysterocrates gigas)
Brazilian Red Birdeater (Lasiodora difficilis)
Brazilian Red & Black (Lasiodora fracta)
Unknown (Lasiodora itabunae)
Bahia Scarlet (Lasiodora klugi)
Brazilian Salmon Pink (Lasiodora parahybana)
Bahia Grey Birdeater (Lasiodora striatipes)
Colombian Reglegs (Megaphobema  robustum)
Blue Baboon (Monocentropus balfouri)
(Neodtenotarsus sp.) "French Guiana"
Brazilian Red (Nhandu carapoensis)
Brazilian Red & White (Nhandu chromatus)
Brazilian B&W (Nhandu colloratovillosum)
Brazilian Giant Blonde (Nhandu tripedii)
Koh Samui Island Dwarf (Ornithoctonus sp.)
Brazilian Pink (Pamphobeteus sp.) "Platyomma"
King Baboon (Pelinobius muticus)
Philippine Dwarf (Phlogiellus baeri)
Haitian Brown (Phormictopus cancerides)
Cuban Purple (Phormictopus sp.)
Chilean Copper (Phrixotrichus scrofa)
Shi-Lanka (Poecilotheria fasciata)
Salem Ornamental (Poecilotheria formosa)
Bengal Ornamental (Poecilotheria miranda)
Fringed Ornamental (Poecilotheria ornata)
Pedersen Ornamental (Poecilotheria pederseni)
Indian Ornamental (Poecilotheria regalis)
Red Slate Ornamental (Poecilotheria. rufilata)
Mysore Ornamental (Poecilotheria straita)
Tiger Ornamental (Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli)
Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminias)
Ft. Hall Baboon (Pterinochilus lugardi)
Usabara Baboon (Pterinochilus murinus)
Costa Rican Red Rump (Sericopelma angustum)
Goliath Pinkfoot (Theraphosa apophysis)
Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi)
Burgandy Birdeater (Theraphosa strimi)
Peruvian Green Velvet (Thrixopelma puriens)
Curly Hair (Tliltocati albopilosum)
Guatemalan Red Rump (Tliltocati sabulosum)
Central American Black (Tliltocati epicureanum)
Mexican Black Velvet (Tliltocati schroederi)
Mexican Red Rump (Tliltocati vagan)
Mexican (Tliltocati verdezi)
Colombian Lesserblack (Xenesthis immanis)

These care sheets are based on my personal experiences with that particular species. I have been keeping tarantulas since 1987. Most of the tarantulas listed below were raised by me from spiderlings or juveniles. The care sheets are for juveniles to adulthood for that particuliar species. In the listings, tarantulas not raised from spiderlings or juveniles, but were bought as sub-adults, are listed with an asterisk. They were, I believe, wild caught but have been kept for over three years. Of the two-hundred-twelve tarantulas I own, I only have nine wild caught; and seven of them were purchased as juveniles, and has been in my care for at least three years. I prefer buying captive born spiders over wild caught. I find enjoyment watching my babies grow. Each care sheet is based on years of maintenance for that species. I have several species listed in my collection that I didn't drafted a care sheet, because I haven't own that species for more than three years. 

Because of the frequent molts of a spiderling, I keep all spiderlings on slightly damp substrate until they reaches the juvenile size for that particular species, with a lot of ventilation.

I live in Miami, Florida, which is near the tropic zone. My T room is eleven feet by twelve feet 11' x 12' (3.35m x 3.66m). It has one window, with no air conditioning. The room is insulated, so it basically keep the same temperature, except on extreme cold 40° to 60°F (4.4-15.5c) or above 90°F (32.2c); then I need to open the door to the living quarters of the house to regulate the temperature. The window in my T room is always open except in these extreme conditions; this helps with the humidity, for in Miami, the humidity is normally above sixty-five percent 65%, which make it easier to care for my tarantulas. I explained this because where you live and housed your collection may change how you care for your tarantula; so these care sheets that I have drafted are relative; this is why I have included the natural habitat of the species in the care sheets. The climate care for the species does not change, but how you arrive at it may. I trust that you find these care sheets helpful to ensure that you and your pet have a long healthy and happy life together.


May GOD’s blessing be with you and your family.


(click  on species name)

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All photos on this website are courtesy of Mike Basic Tarantula unless stated otherwise. It's prohibited to copy without permission of author.