Indigenous: Guyana
Habitat: Guyana has a tropical climate, with little seasonal temperature change. The annual rainfall (about 1,525 to 2,030 mm/about 60 to 80 in) on the coast occurs mainly from April to August and November to January. The savanna region receives some 1,525 mm (60 in) of rain annually, mainly from April to September. The climate of coastal Guyana is extremely mild for a low-lying tropical area because of the persistent trade winds blowing in off the Atlantic Ocean.
Temp/humidity: 76°84°F degrees/70-80% humidity. This Theraphosa species is not as moisture dependent as T. blondi. For humidity in her setup, and before I put the substrate, I lay two inches of pebble gravel the size of a a sweet pea first . Then I pour water in the tank just below the pebbles. Afterward, I pack four inches of substrate.
Enclosure: Adults should be given a large terrarium. I use a twenty Gallon long aquarium. I have found that, if you simulate their natural environment by decorating the cage with foliage, they tend to stay out and wonder more. But make sure the plants you use have no pesticide on it.
Substrate: four inches (10.16cm) of substrate. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Food Consumption: Because the spiderlings of this species are born large, I fed them half inch (1.37cm) baby crickets. My adult Burgundy Birdeater, I give 3 adults B. dubia roaches or fifteen (15) adult crickets weekly. This species is a excellent eater, and devour its prey. I also give her one pinkie-mouse or a house gecko every three months for variety.
Water Requirements: I keep a large water dish in cage, even though after ten (10) years, I have never seen mine drink. I also dampen one-half of the substrate in the terrarium by overflowing the water dish then I allow it to dry out.
Growth Rate:The growth rate for this species is medium-fast. With proper heating and feeding it may attain a leg length of four inches in a year.
Adult Size: This species may attain a leg length of ten inches (25.4cm). My largest girl I have had for ten (10) years. I purchased her as a spiderling. She is only nine inches ( 22.86cm).
Temperament: When young, this tarantula is skittish but not aggressive. As an adult they tend to stay out more. They are more laid back than the T. blondi and T. apophysis also. My girls have never shown a defensive pose, and less likely to kick urticating hairs than the other species of Theraphosa; but their hairs can be very irritating when they do kick hairs. For this reason I don't handle my Theraphosa species; not to mention that they have over one inch fangs, which if bitten, may be traumatizing.
Comments: This is an aggressive eating T. They has never refused a meal unless near a molt. After raising several species of T. stirmi, I found them to be the most forgiving in the Genus and are more hardier. This tarantula is a good display species. I like this genus for their sheer size. As a spiderling, the tarsus and metatarsus on the front four legs are pink, but the pink disappears as it grows.