Mike's Basic Tarantula
A Basic Site for the Tarantula enthusiast
Pamphobeteus sp. Platyomma
Indigenous: Ecuador
Habitat: Ecuador lies on the equator, buthas a wide range of climates. The Costa is generally hot and humid, with temperature of about 26°C (about 78°F). On the Sierra the temperatures range between about 7° and 21°C (about 45° and 70° F), depending on the elevation. Quito, which is some 2,850 m (9,350 ft) above sea level, has an average annual temperature of 13°C (55°F). The Oriente is warmer and more humid than the Costa; temperatures approach the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F), and annual precipitation is about 2,030 mm (about 80 in).
Temp/humidity: I keep this species at 78°-82°F and between 65-75% humidity
Enclosure: This is a opportunistic burrower. As a spiderling, I used a vial that would allow at least three inches (3") of substrate for burrowing. As sub-adult-adult I use a terrarium that will allow at least four inches of substrate
Substrate: Use four inches of substrate. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Food Consumption: I fed my new born spiderlings fruit flies, than when they reached 1/2" I introduced baby crickets. My adult, I give 2 inch B. dubia roaches or 10 adult crickets weekly. This species is a good eater, and attacks its prey with a vengeance. I also give her one pinkie-mouse or a house gecko once a year for variety.
Water Requirements: I keep a water dish in the tank, even though after six years, I have never seen mine drink, and it always fill the water dish with substrate. I also dampen one-half of the substrate in the terrarium by overflowing the water dish then I allow it to dry out.
Growth Rate: The growth rate for this species is medium-fast. With proper heating and feeding it may attain a leg length of four inches in.
Adult Size: This species may attain a leg length of seven (7) to eight (8) inches. After six years, my girl attained a leg length of six plus inches (6+").
Temperament: This is a bold tarantula, but not aggressive as an adult. It may use a defensive pose, but would rather retreat than stand and fight. It will kick urticating hairs.
Comments: This is an aggressive eating T. They has never refused a meal unless near a molt. It is easy to care for and is hardy and is a good display species. This is a welcome addition.
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