Mike's Basic Tarantula
A Basic Site for the Tarantula enthusiast
Indigenous: Paraguay
Habitat:The climate of Paraguay is subtropical. At Asunción average temperatures range from about 17°C (about 63°F) in July to about 27°C (about 80°F) in January. In the Chaco and other points to the north temperatures often reach 38°C (100°F). Annual rainfall averages some 1,120 mm (44 in) in the Asunción area, some 815 mm (32 in) in the Gran Chaco, and some 1,525 mm (60 in) in the eastern forest regions. The Chaco has heavy rainfall in the summer and almost no rain in the winter.
Temp/humidity: 65°-78° (18.3°-25.5°C) /55%-65% humidity. I keep this specie temperature at 78° (25.5°C) and the humidity at 65%.
Enclosure: Use an terrarium that will allow at least four inches (10.16cm) of substrate
Substrate: I use four inches of substrate. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Food Consumption: I fed the new born spiderlings fruit flies, than when they reached 1/2", I introduced baby crickets. I now give my adult Brazilian Grey Smoke one (1) one-inch B. dubia roaches or 3 adult crickets weekly. This species is a slow casual eater, but the only time this tarantula refuses food is when it is near a molt.
Water Requirements: I keep a water dish in the tank. I have never seen mine drink. I keep the substrate in the terrarium dry. I, once a year overflow the watering dish to wet half the substrate, to simulate the weather pattern, but when I do, she stays away from the wet substrate.
Growth Rate: The growth rate of this species is medium.
Adult Size: I read that they get 5 inches (12.7cm). After seven years, my Brazilian Grey Smoke has grown to six inches (15.24cm) easily.
Temperament: This is a laid back, easy to handle species. It has never kicked hair at me nor given a threat pose. She is always out in the open and is friendly.
Comments: This is an attractive tarantula and is always out of its hide. It is not an aggressive eater but make up for it with the active behavior. It is always moving substrate around. When I take the top off of her enclosure, she will immediately crawl out of the cage. This is one of the few tarantulas that will crawl on my hand without being coaxed.
This is a easy to care for species. You have to kill this tarantula for its hardiness. Expect many years of fun with this species.
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