Mike's Basic Tarantula
A Basic Site for the Tarantula enthusiast
Indigenous: Mexico
Habitat: savanna, scrubland
Temp/humidity: 70°-85° (21.1°-29.4°C) degrees/65%-80% humidity; I keep this species temperature at 80° (26.6°C) and the humidity at 70-80%. I wet one half side of the terrarium where the water dish is then allow it to dry out completely. This specie like the terrarium a little more moist than the other Brachypelma species.
Enclosure: Use a spiderling vial that will allow at least three inches (7.62cm) of substrate for burrowing and four inches (7.62cm) as sub-adult-adult.
Substrate: I use three inches (7.62cm) of substrate in vial and four inches (10.16cm) in terrarium. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Retreat/Hide: Place a bark for a starter burrow hide. This is an opportunistic burrower. When they reach three inches (7.62cm), they stay out in the open more than in their hide, which make them a good display tarantula
Food Consumption: I first fed her fruit flies, than when she reached 1/2" I introduced baby crickets. I give my Mexican Fire Leg (2) B. dubia roaches or seven (7) - adult crickets weekly. This species is a excellent eater.
Water Requirements: I keep a water dish in the tank. I have never seen mine drink.
Growth Rate: The growth rate of this species is medium. I purchased my girls as spiderlings of 1/4" (0.635cm) in size. After the first year she had grown to one and a half inch (3.81cm). With constant feeding and with temperatures in the low to mid 80's, they reached a size of three inches (7.62cm) within three years.
Adult Size: I read that they grow to six (15.24cm) inches. After nine (9) years they are a solid six and one-half inches (6.5")
Temperament: This is a skittish species. It is prone to kicking urticating hairs. This is the only tarantula I will not handle. The itching will last for two weeks, seriously. I would rather pick up a T. blondi any day.
Comments: This is a spectacular species. They grow large and thick. Because I don't make it a habit of handling my tarantulas, I find this tarantula a delight to own for the sheer beauty. The name rightly fit this species, and for that reason I recommend it.
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