Mike's Basic Tarantula
A Basic Site for the Tarantula enthusiast
Indigenous: Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
Habitat: The northern region is almost entirely desert and is one of the driest areas in the world. Temperatures, however, are moderated by the offshore presence of the cold Peru, or Humboldt, Current. The average temperatures at Antofagasta range from 18° to 23°C (64° to 74°F) in January and from 12° to 16°C (53° to 62°F) in July. In Santiago the average range is 12° to 29°C (54° to 85°F) in January and 3° to 15°C (38° to 58°F) in July.
Temp/humidity: 65°-80°F (18.3-26.6C) /55%-65% humidity. I keep this species temperature at 78° (25.5°C) degrees and the humidity at 60-65%.
Enclosure: This is an opportunistic burrower. As a spiderling, I used a vial that would allow at least three inches (7.62cm) of substrate for burrowing. As sub-adult/adult, I use a terrarium that will allow at least four inches (10.16cm)of substrate.
Substrate: I use four inches (10.16cm) of substrate. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Food Consumption: I feed new born spiderlings fruit flies, than when they reached 1/2"(1.27cm) I introduced baby crickets. My adult Red Rose Hair, I give two (2) one-inch B. dubia roaches or 5 adult crickets weekly. This species is a so-so eater, but the only time this tarantula refuses food is when it is near a molt.
Water Requirements: I keep a water dish in the tank. I have never seen mine drink. I keep the substrate in the terrarium dry.
Growth Rate: I have read that this is a slow growing species; but with proper feeding and warmth, the growth rate of this species is medium. I purchased this tarantula as a juvenile.
Adult Size: They get five inches (12.7cm).
Temperament: This tarantula has mood swings. It may allow you to pet it one day and show you her fangs the next. It has never kicked hair at me and may give a threat pose, but is reluctant to bite. She is always out in the open.
Comments: This tarantula was thought to be, at one time, a color morph of the Common Rose Hair; but later was described as the true Grammostola rosea. I have read that they are not as docile as the Common Rose Hair either, mine sure isn't.
Rosies are notorious for long extensive fasts. My Common Rose Hair (Grammostola porteri) has fasted for two years on one occasion. I have kept the G. rosea species for nine (9) years and it has never stopped eating unless it was in premolt. This species also has a more intense red over the legs than the Common Rose Hair and is a very handsome looking T.
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All photos on this website are courtesy of Mike Basic Tarantula unless stated otherwise. It's prohibited to copy without permission of author.