Indigenous: Brazil
Habitat: Most of Brazil has high annual average temperatures, above 22°C (72°F). Only in the South and in the highest elevations does the average fall below this.
A tropical wet climate characterizes much of northern Brazil, with abundant rainfall and little or no dry season. Temperatures average 25°C (77°F). Rainfall averages about 2,200 mm (about 90 in) a year. Over central Brazil rainfall is more seasonal, characteristic of a savanna climate. Eighty percent of the rain falls in summer (October through March). Here rainfall averages about 1,600 mm (about 60 in) a year. In the interior Northeast, seasonal rainfall is even more extreme. The semiarid region receives less than 800 mm (30 in) of rain, which falls in a period of two or three months.
In the Southeast the tropical climate is modified by elevation, with a winter average temperature below 18°C (64°F) and an average rainfall of about 1,400 mm (about 55 in) concentrated in summer. The South has subtropical conditions, with average temperatures below 20°C (68°F) and cool winters.
Temp/humidity: 70°-80° (21.1-26.7C) /55%-75% humidity I keep this species temperature at 78° (25.5C) degrees and the humidity at 60-70%.
Enclosure: This is a terrestrial tarantula. As a spiderling, I used a vial that would allow at least three inches (3") of substrate for burrowing. As sub-adult/adult, I use a terrarium that will allow at least four inches of substrate.
Substrate: I use four inches of substrate. (I use a mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, coconut fiber and dirt for firmness, as the substrate).
Food Consumption: I fed the new born spiderlings fruit flies, than when they reached 1/2" (1.27cm) I introduced baby crickets. My adult Entre Rios, I give two (2) one-inch B. dubia roaches or 7 adult crickets weekly. This species is an aggressive eater. The only time this tarantula refuses food is when it is near a molt.
Water Requirements: I keep a water dish in the tank. I have never seen mine drink. I keep the substrate in the terrarium dry, but twice a year I overflow the watering dish to wet half the substrate, to simulate the weather pattern, but when I do, she normally stay away from the wet substrate.
Growth Rate: I have read that this is a slow growing species; but with proper feeding and warmth, the growth rate of this species is medium, and for a Grammostola species, this would be considered a fast growing T. I purchased this tarantula as a Juvenile. My girls grew from one inch (1") to three inches (3") in one (1) year.
Adult Size: It is debated that this is the largest Grammostola species. It is said that they get eight inches (20.32cm). My G. iheringi is a solid five inches (12.7cm).
Temperament: This is the only skittish Grammostola species, and I have twelve different species; but after it grow to about five inches (12.7cm), it becomes less likely to bolt. This Grammostola species will kicked urticating hairs if provoked, which is not normal for this Genus, but after it reaches adulthood, it is less likely to kick hairs. It is always out in the open, but will bolt for safety if startled. This species gets more confidence with size.
Comments: This species is prized for its size, color. G. iheringi is an awesomely beautiful spider. It is one of the few NW tarantulas that doesn't lose it color even near premolt. It is heavy built, when matured, and a sight to behold, sporting bright red opisthosoma hairs over a solid black body. It is very easy to care for and resilient. This spider is not always in the pet trade and a must have for the serious collection.